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Proficient in Reading

Elementary 27% | Middle: 30% | High 33%


Distinguished in Reading

Elementary: 17% | Middle: 23% | High: 16%


Proficient in Math

Elementary: 29% | Middle: 33% | High: 27%


Distinguished in Math

Elementary: 12% | Middle: 16% | High: 11%


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English Learner Programs

Welcome to the Warren County Schools English Learner (EL) Programs site. Our district provides instruction and support to students who are not yet proficient in English or English Learners (ELs). EL students in Warren County Public Schools (WCPS) come from more than 90 countries and speak more than 102 languages and dialects.

In WCPS, all cultures and languages are welcomed and valued. WCPS administrators, teachers and staff understand that EL students bring important assets into the learning environment. The specific goals of the EL program are

  • To provide EL students with equal opportunity and access to services so they may become fully proficient in English and meet content standards
  • To enable EL students to become Career and College Ready.

Warren County Public Schools staff can find more information about teaching English Learners, getting an interpreter, etc. on our EL Portal.  This is also bookmarked in your managed bookmarks.

Jeanie Hopkins

Titles: Director of EL and Federal Programs

Will Spalding

Titles: Assistant Director of EL

Rindi McGregor

Titles: EL Consultant
