The Warren County Schools Equity Council was formed in 2011, and its mission initially was to ensure equitable and consistent discipline practices across the district. At its inception, the Equity Council consisted of central office administrators, including the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent, several building principals, classroom teacher representatives and some community members. In early 2014, the members of the Equity Council determined that there was a need to broaden the scope of the work of the council and to bring in more community members. Currently, the Equity Council has representation from several community agencies, as well as a broad range of educators in areas of administration and instruction. The work of the Equity Council currently focuses on improving equitable and fair practices in the areas of educational opportunities, discipline, and employment.
Vision Statement
The WCPS Equity Council serves to advocate for equitable opportunities for all students, parents, and staff. The WCPS Equity Council will advise the Superintendent and Board of Education regarding practices, policies, and procedures that promote equity in all district endeavors.
Mission Statement
to identify and remove barriers to student learning, achievement, and opportunities
to ensure equitable discipline practices for all students
to ensure equitable staff recruitment and hiring practices, with a focus on increasing the diversity of staff members