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Elementary: 12% | Middle: 16% | High: 11%


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6th Grade to Middle School Information

Transition timeline and FAQs


The Warren County Board of Education is considering a change from grades 7-8 in the district's middle schools to grades 6-8. The information on this page is intended to help all interested parties understand this potential change. The timeline information and the Frequently Asked Questions section should provide answers to any questions about this possible change. If you have questions or comments, please email them to WCPS Communications Coordinator Morgan Watson at

To view a larger version of the timeline, click anywhere on the timeline below.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions are regarding the potential change from a 7-8 grade alignment to a 6-8 alignment for the middle schools of WCPS. These are the most frequently asked questions that were gathered from survey results and in conversations with school leadership.  Click on the link to each question to learn more.

Which students will be the first group to attend middle school as 6th graders?

Why did the proposed date of transition 6th graders to the middle school move from the 2016-17 school year to the 2017-18 school year?

Do our current middle schools have the space to house the additional grade level?

Is there research to support moving 6th grade to middle schools? 

Why is the WCPS Board of Education considering this move?

Will 6th grade students be more isolated in a building with 7th and 8th grade students?

What about the safety of 6th grade students being with older students?

What kind of assistance will be available to help students and parents with the transition of 6th grade students to middle school? 

Will redistricting have to take place? 

Would 6th grade students ride the bus with high school students?

Will there be childcare for the 6th grade at the middle schools?

If 6th grade students were in the middle school, what would it look like?  (Questions on topics such as team structure; athletics; class offerings; school schedule; etc.)

Are current middle school teachers equipped to work with 6th grade students?  How does teacher certification match up with this potential change?